For two years in a row, no Black actors have been nominated for any of the important Oscars. Chris Rock was the host for the 2016 Oscars and he didn't shy away from the recent uproar about this apparent slight. He was subtle, but effective in his opening monologue pointing out that if people really insist on seeing black folks recognized every year they should have separate categories. He pointed out that they already kind of have needless separateness by separating men and women into different categories. Great point Chris. As he pointed out, this isn't Track and Field.
Although many black actors over the years have won these awards, I guess two years in a row was the "what the?..." point. But this is a tricky one. Why? Because if somebody wins an obligatory Oscar just because they're black, that kind of diminishes the Oscars thus far earned by other wonderful black actors. But some wonderful black artists were ignored this year. So how do we fix this?
One way is very obvious. The Academy has expanded their Best Picture list to 10 possible contenders. Hold them to that. There MUST be Ten entries. If they would have done this, maybe "Straight Out Of Compton" would have been on the list. Actually the other categories should also be expanded to at least 8 possibles.
But I hope the Academy never develops Black categories. I can still hear George Wallace saying "Segregation Now, Segregation Tomorrow, and Segregation forever!" ringing in my ears. Let's just expand the acting, screenwriting, and other categories to 8 and have a mandatory filling of all 10 Best Picture slots, as well as Best Director slots, and I am betting that black folks will be way more represented.
I certainly hope that the Academy didn't cringe, and think "Well, we'll never hire Chris Rock to host again." I hope they listened to what he said, and take it to heart. And let him host again next year. That would look tremendous. But if you have a white person host next year, you'll get what you deserve.
And I refuse to call Black Americans "African-American." It's diminishing and degrading and shame on you if you use this term. I am going with Smokey Robinson on this one. So be a hater if you must, but I will never buy into this one.
Grow some depth Academy.
I already have a lot of problems taking a lot of snobby millionaires who all get dressed up and after doing the easiest job ever and all patting each other on the back and giving each other gold statues and getting incredible swag bags at the ultimate "Aren't We Great?" party seriously. I don't even watch the Oscars any more. And I can't even imagine how Robin Roberts was drooling over these idiots went. Sickening I'm betting.
Expand and fill the categories Academy! All your troubles will go away.
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