We went to the Park near our home tonight and heard the town band play. There were a few bad notes, but we just dismiss them. We were in a lovely park close to the gazebo where the band was set up, and the temperature was perfect. The sun was out but we were in the shade. The park is by the river and there were Sam Clemens wannabes down playing in the water. The band, in their Danish garb were wonderful. The kids in the river were wonderful. They brought out little girls twirling flags and twirling batons and they were so cute I almost couldn't stand it. As it got darker the beautiful street lights along the Fred Meijer trail by the river came on, adding to the magic. And of course the Danish Festival Queen and Runner-Up along with Junior Queen came out. Can you say....Awesome?!
And they were selling bottled water to benefit this, and ice cream to benefit that....this is small town life.
I love you Grand Rapids, but I will never give up the thrill of this small-town life for you. Sorry. But this is just too wonderful. Life is so wonderful.
A really perfect night with the woman I love in bag chairs to watch the town band on a night in August...folks, life isn't perfect, but it ain't all bad.